The Dynasty Biotechnology Model

Dynasty Biotechnology, a division of Team Ventures Ltd, commercialises European life sciences innovation and addresses key healthcare needs in China in return for product development funding. By partnering with Dynasty, the technology Sponsors – the UK or European companies who originate the innovative products developed by Dynasty – gain accelerated Regulatory Approvals, low cost funding for product development, access to the Chinese market, early proof of their technology or platform and the opportunity to benefit from rapid commercialisation of their IP in both China and the rest of the world.

Crucially, the technology Sponsors retain a substantial share of downstream revenue or value.

  • Dynasty thus allows innovative companies to generate value from their work in the form of revenues and in the form of funding for future investment in innovation
  • Dynasty addresses global healthcare issues, whilst rewarding and protecting Europe’s innovation capability
  • Dynasty enables European innovators to hold on to the downstream value they generate
  • Dynasty Bio brings the Sino-Europe Dynasty Project to life.

Dynasty also works closely with Team Kapital to ensure that we have immediate access to the few funding sources really able to support business expansion. Team Kapital sources funding for both biotech and cleantech projects:

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History: testing the model

Initially the task for the team was to test the model. Could Chinese investment really be applied to develop European innovation in China?

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Dynasty CEO Dr Simon Haworth took on the CEO role for a small, innovative bioinformatics company spun out of Nottingham Trent University. Simon helped CompanDX raise royalty-based investment in China, funding over £1m of product development in China in the first year alone, and engaged a prominent Chinese contract research organisation (CRO) to undertake the work. The engagement with this CRO, Shanghai Newsummit Biopharma Group (NSB), has deepened to that of a close partnership and the CompanDX experience serves to prove the Dynasty business model.

Dynasty’s partnerships are focussed on the products and resources needed to build businesses. We thus retain close links with BSG Team Ventures, a global search boutique able to source senior management and leadership teams for technology companies from its offices in London, Cambridge, Boston and San Francisco: BSG Team Ventures