Illustration: the 2015 Yellow Crane Friendship Award winners, including Doctor Simon Haworth (3rd from right), presented by Wan Yong, the Mayor of Wuhan city (centre).
Dynasty Biotechnology and CompanDX are delighted to report that Dr Simon Haworth has been awarded the Yellow Crane Friendship Award in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China.
The award represents the highest honour that can be given to a non Chinese national in Wuhan and is awarded in recognition of an individual’s contribution regarding investment and trade, or planning, urban and economic development.
“It is a great honour to receive such an award and I accept it on behalf of the whole team here in Wuhan and in the UK, ” commented Dr Haworth. ”I would like to take the opportunity to thank NewSummit Biopharma Group, our partners here in Wuhan, for their hard work. It was NSB that introduced us to Wuhan originally and they have worked tirelessly alongside us to help deliver this success. I look forward to working even more closely in the future with The Mayor of Wuhan City, Mr Wan Yong, with the leader of Wuhan Biolake Mr Qian, and with NSB to bring Wuhan to the attention of the international science community as an essential location for all who are interested in commercialisation of science assets in China.”
The following documentation includes an informal translation of the official Press Release, plus a copy of the Press Release (Chinese):
Wuhan Government presented Yellow Crane Friendship Award to 11 foreign experts
Sep 30th 2015
Reported on Wuhan City Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs
On Sep 29th, the Municipal People’s Government of Wuhan held a reception to celebrate the 66th anniversary of National Day. The reception included presentation of the Yellow Crane Friendship Awards. Wan Yong, the Mayor of Wuhan city presented the awards to 11 foreign experts who have made outstanding contribution to Wuhan in terms of economic and social development as well as the opening-up policy to the outside world.
On behalf of Municipal People’s Government of Wuhan, Wan Yong sent holiday greetings to the people from all walks of life, expressed sincere welcome to the guests who attended the reception and offered heartfelt congratulations to the foreign experts who have won the award. Philippe Martinet Consul General for France in Wuhan, Joseph Zadrozny Consul General for United States in Wuhan, Zheng Zainan Consul General for Korea in Wuhan, Nick Whittingham Consul General for United Kingdom in Wuhan andXie Qiwen Director of the Economic & Trade office for Hong Kong SAR Government in Wuhan attended the reception. Foreign experts, representatives of foreign institutionsn, international friends, representatives for foreign-funded enterprises, compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and representatives for overseas Chinese were also present to witness the ceremony.
The Yellow Crane Friendship Awards were established in 1993. The honor is awarded to foreign experts and international friends who have made outstanding contributions to Wuhan in macro decision-making, urban development, economic development, investment & trade and the introduction of foreign intellectual property to Wuhan. Their contribution has helped Wuhan to achieve remarkable social and economic growth. To date, the award has been given to a total of 165 foreign experts and international friends including the 11 awards made this year. The 2015 winners include two experts from the United States and one expert from each of the following countries: Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, United Kingdom, Denmark, Japan and South Korea.
Link: Click here for official Press Release
9月29日,武汉市人民政府举行国庆 66 周年招待会,并举行武汉市黄鹤友谊奖颁奖仪式。武汉市市长万勇向 11 位为武汉经济社会发展、对外开放等方面做出突出贡献的外国专家颁发“黄鹤友谊奖”。
我市于 1993 年设立“黄鹤友谊奖”,获奖者都是为武汉市的宏观决策、城市发展、经济建设、投资贸易以及引进国外智力等方面做出突出贡献,并取得显著社会和经济效益的外国专家和国际友好人士。至今,已有 165 名外国专家和国际友人获此荣誉。本次11 位获奖的外国专家中,来自美国的专家2名,奥地利、法国、德国、意大利、瑞典、英国、丹麦、日本、韩国专家各 1 名。