As new members of the China Britain Business Council (CBBC) we were asked to outline the life sciences opportunity for CBBC members. See Focus CBBC 2014 Sep for pdf. We highly recommend CBBC membership to all those who are interested in China and we are happy to make introductions to the senior CBBC team for any interested parties.
About CBBC:
About us 关于英中贸易协会
The China-Britain Business Council is the leading organisation helping UK companies grow and develop their business in China. Our mission is to help UK companies of all sizes and sectors, whether new entrants or established operations, access the full potential of the fastest growing market in the world.
Through 60 years of engagement, we have built up exceptional connections with government and business across China. Our Board is made up of senior business people from companies with a strong China interest, and our business advisers all have extensive first-hand experience of doing business in China.
We deliver a range of practical services, including: advice and consultancy, market research, event management, an overseas market introduction service, trade missions and exhibitions, and setting up rep offices.
We have 10 UK offices and 13 offices across key locations in China. This in-country network provides invaluable local insight, access, and knowledge. It is also the basis of our Launchpad® and Hotdesk services. As a partner of UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) we deliver its business-to-business services in China.
Whilst use of CBBC’s services is open to all British registered companies on a pay-as you-go basis, we are also a membership organisation with some 900 British company and individual members. For companies serious about developing business in China, CBBC membership provides a cost-effective route to ongoing support, networking, and exclusive services. CBBC corporate members also benefit from reciprocal membership of the Beijing based British Chamber of Commerce in China (Britcham), including access to more than 100 events per year in Beijing and a stronger membership network.
In 2010/11 CBBC handled 5330 enquiries; organised and participated in 400 events across the UK and China, including hosting 92 Chinese inward delegations in the UK; delivered 199 OMIS reports and 10 large research projects; increased circulation of CBBC’s magazine to 6000 copies per month.
- Consider joining CBBC as a member
- Browse our Guide to Business in China
- Find out more about CBBC – the Board